
"Looking for" and "Offering"

Lists marked as "Looking" for will allow you to get on your home page stores having those cards available.
Lists marked as "Offering" for will allow you to get on your home page stores looking to buy those cards.
The matching profile only runs once a day. Prices displayed are indicative prices and can vary from what you will end-up finding on the stores.


Lists marked as "Deck" indicate to Gestic those are playing list, which gives you extra deck related features like deck optimization and deck validation.


Given a specific set, the generage option will create for you 3 new lists. One for the cards you are missing to complete the entire set, One for the extra cards you have from that set that you might want to sell, and finally one for the cards you are waiting for (those that you bought and have not yet received). The waiting list is used to avoid looking again for the cards you have already bought but not received. This list is always preserved. The 2 others lists are re-generated every time this option is used.