December 17th 2024
Lists tags
We realized that users might end-up with many lists on the home page, making it difficult to navigate. We have implemented a feature to add tags to a list, and be able to filter by those tags. Doing so will allow you to reduce the number of lists displayed and will make it easier to manage your collection.
Order by type
It is now possible to order your list by the type (Artifact, creature, etc.)
July 21th 2024
Cards Finish
The finish of the cards you are adding (Foil, Etched, etc.) is now enforced and verified against the available finishes for that card. If you are trying to enter a card as a foil and there is only etched versions of that card, the finish will automatically be converted into etched. Else, the card entry will be rejected.
Keep Alive
The keep alive has been improved to keep your session opened for 24h after your last action and no more 24h after your last login.
Delete selection
In the manage content page, in addition to the move and the copy operations, it is now possible to delete the selected cards from the current list.
The prices for the list of cards you are looking for are now all displayed in USD, applying currency rate conversion when required. It allows you to do a fair comparison between USD prices and other countries like Canada.
July 11th 2024
Database update
The database update has been automated and is now done daily!
Color Filters
The color filters have been improved. They can now be reset and they are also cleaned when all filters are cleared.
Type Filters
Filters have been improved to add the ability to filter by a specific type or subtype (Creature - Frog).
Responsive display
The home page has been updated to have a better display on responsive devices. Style consider using a lapop for a better experience.
Started adding some hidable tutorials to the main page. I'll continue working on tutorials for the other pages. This will help users understand what's happening on the page they're on.
When ordering by set/number, the manage content page now shows headers with the set symbol.
A lot of little things here and there, like the folding arrows not showing on Android when using Chrome, the collection arrow not changing for the folding arrow when opened, etc.
April 16th 2024
Cards movements.
Cards movements (copy and move) have been reviewed and are now more intuitive and easy to use.
It is now possible to nagivate to the list content directly from the hom page by double-clicking on the list name.
Outlaws of Thunder Junction.
The database has been updated to include the new released OTJ set.
Card name filter.
It is now possible in the list page to filter the content by the name of the card, directly above the column name.
Order by.
Order by has been finally implemented in the list content page. You can now sort the display by many different fields.
March 27th 2024
Bulk import.
You can now upload a CSV file to import cards as bulk. This is practical to enter an entire booster box. Gestic will return the number of cards, new cards, and details about the prices.
A lot of little things behind the scene, not visible, like the harmonisation of the presentation, etc. Database has also been updated to reflect recent prices.
February 5th 2024
Database update.
Database has been updated in multiple ways. First, most recent cards data has been uploaded. Also, to provide more flexibility tables have been modified. All of that, without any user data lost (our promise!).
Add card by name.
It is now possible to add a card by looking up for its name. If you do not know the card number, simply go to the add by name page and enter its title. The validation will propose you the matching options that you can then add directly into your list.
More online stores.
We have added card kingdom in the available online stores.
January 22th 2024
New filters on the list page.
You can now filter the lists by rarity.
New selection function.
The selection function on the list page has been reviews to be way more flexible.
Move function implementation.
It is now possible to move cards between lists. This can be practical to merge multiple lists into a single one.
Reviewed the navigation of the enter site..
It is now possible use a top navigation bar to navigate between the different pages.
Lists statistics.
Added extended statistics to the display of the lists.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a small issue on the bulk selection where the application was not selecting the foil cards.
- Fixed an issue with the copy function.
- Improved display of cards selection.
Day 1 - January 15th 2024
First release of the manage content page.
You can now detail the contend of your lists or of the database. This gives you the ability to reduce or increase the number of cards you own.
Implementation of the "remember me" function.
The login process now keep trace of your authentication for up to 24h. Accessing the site again within 24h from the same browser will not require you to re-authenticate.
Implementation of the database browsing.
The list page now allows you to browse the entire database. Output is limited to the first 1000 entries.
Implementation of the "set" filter.
The list page now allows you to filter the result by set. You can use the ctrl key to select or un-select multiple sets.
Implementation of the "quantity" filter.
The list page now allows you to filter the result by quantity. When selecting to display the database, you can choose to display only the cards you don't own (Max quantity = 0) or those that you won (Min quantity > 0). The same way when selecting your own list, you can choose to display only the cards that you have more or less than a certain number. Practical to find duplicates or identify missings.
Implementation of the "foil" filter.
The list page now allows you to filter the result by finish. You can now select to view only the cards you own with a foil finish, or not, or the existing card in the database that have the foil finish. As a 3-state filter, you can select to ignore ❓ this field, ✅ have it present, or ❌ have it absent.
Implementation of the "multiplier" flag.
The add page you now can specify a multiplier for the card you are adding. Example, LCI 301 x4 will add 4 times the card 301 for set LCI into your collection.
Implementation of the logout function.
Using the logout function will prevent the user for using the keep-alive function. User will have to re-authenticate.
Implementation of the manage lists function.
Using the manage list function you can now create new lists, delete existing ones and rename them. You can also configure them as list of cards you are proposing for trade or that you are looking for.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a display issue in the add page where the same card can be displayed twice in some cases.
- Fixed a display issue in the list page where an extra empty column was displayed.
- Fixed a display issue in the list page where the language icon was not correctly aligned in the line.